Buzz Off Bees: Essential Oils For Repelling And Removing Bees
Bees are a problem for a lot of people. They buzz, they sting, and they can be terrifyingly aggressive. The only thing worse than an irate bee is a swarm of them, and not just because that means there's going to be more stings. Bees often lead to panic attacks or even something worse in those who are allergic to their stings. Now, some may be allergic to a bee sting, but it's not that the sting is causing their allergy. The allergy is causing them to succumb to the effects of a bee sting. Rarely, someone can be allergic to a bee sting and die. Regardless, if you're allergic, you still need treatment for bees!
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Essential oils can repel bees for several reasons. They can have a certain odor that replicates the pheromones of other bees, an odor that bees find offensive, or they can be poisonous to the bees. Another way is through the chemical composition of an ingredient found in an essential oil such as citral and limonene. Studies have shown these to be very effective at repelling insects when used in high enough doses. In this article, we'll discuss essential oils for repelling and removing bees from your body. We'll look at essential oils that repel bees because some essential oils are more effective than others in repelling insects from an area.
Best Essential Oils For Getting Rid Of Bees:
1) Citronella Essential Oil
Also known as citrus extract, this oil has a strong, lemon essence. When you smell it, you will notice that it smells like lemongrass, and when you taste it, it tastes just like lemon. The scent is very sharp and powerful so a little goes a long way. Citronella essential oil has been used in insect repellents for years. It has been proven to be very effective and is one of the essential oils that repel insects, especially bees, and is commonly used. This can be attributed to its chemical compound known as citral.
2) Peppermint Essential Oil
If you find yourself with a bee sting, peppermint oil is one of the essential oils that are useful to apply as an antidote. Peppermint contains menthol, a chemical that has numbing properties. This can be useful in dealing with bee stings because the numbing effect will take away the pain and itching that would be pretty uncomfortable.
3) Lemongrass Essential Oil
There are many components found in lemongrass essential oil that make it great for repelling bees and other insects. It is mostly constituted of citronella and geraniol compounds plus esters known as citral and geranyl acetate. Geraniol is known to be a mild neonicotinoid insecticide that has been shown in many studies to repel bees. Esters are also known to affect certain insects' nervous systems and they too can help repel insects.
4) Lavender Essential Oil
This oil has such a strong scent that even the smallest drop is more than enough for an area. Lavender essential oil has been proven in studies to repel insects from an area. Its chemical composition includes cineol and linalool which have very potent antiseptic properties, and it also contains specific terpenoids that are very powerful phytocompounds that show their benefits in repelling insects like mosquitoes and honeybees, as well as other types of bees.
5) Rosemary Essential Oil
While rosemary essential oil may seem like it would be good for repelling bees, it's a bit more effective at repelling mosquitoes. It is abundant in camphor, pinene, limonene, and other compounds that help repel insects.
6) Tea Tree Essential Oil
Tea tree essential oil has been proven to be a very effective insect repellent. It contains well-known terpenoids such as terpinolene and other sesquiterpenes including cineole, α-terpineol, borneol, etc. These compounds show their effects in many ways because they're known to possess several medicinal properties as well as insecticidal properties.
7) Orange Essential Oil
This is another very potent insect repellent, and it doesn't contain any chemical compounds that may pose harm to humans or animals. Oregano Oil works by acting on the insects' nervous system by affecting its receptors. It's also known to contain limonene which has been proven effective in repelling bees.
Benefits Of Using Essential Oils For Repelling Bees:

1) Helps Heal Any Bee Sting: When you use an essential oil that repels bees, it will help to get rid of any sting on the skin as well as provide relief from pain.
2) Helps Remove Pollen: Essential oils are known to have anti-allergic properties, so they can help remove pollen and other debris that may have been stuck in the hair follicles. This helps to keep the scalp free of unwanted debris. Remember to wash your hair at least twice a week for the oil to be effective.
3) Helps To Deal With Itchiness: Using essential oils can help with the irritation caused by a bee sting. When you rub your skin with a few drops of essential oil, you'll notice that it will help relieve the itchiness caused by any stinging insects.
4) Helps Reduce Swelling: Essential oils can help with the swelling caused by a bee sting. This can be useful if it's not severe enough for traditional treatment methods to be effective. Using an essential oil will help to reduce any swelling and treat the hive-like reaction that can occur around the area of the sting immediately after you get stung.
5) Can Prevent The Hive-Like Reaction On The Skin: If you apply an essential oil right after being stung, it's possible to prevent the hive-like reaction that occurs. You may not notice it right away but you'll notice slight redness and swelling around the area of the bee sting. The essential oils will help to take away any itching and reduce swelling immediately.
6) Helps To Ease The Pain: When you use a nebulizer with peppermint oil, it will help to relieve any lingering pain from a bee sting. The peppermint oil will help you to feel less irritated and should boost your immune system to help prevent any more stings from occurring.
7) Under-Arm Odor: If you are accidentally stung on your under-arm, essential oils can help with the itching and redness caused by the sting. The peppermint essential oil is more potent than the other essential oils that we have looked at here to repel insects because it contains many active ingredients including menthol and limonene.
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1) Are essential oils safe for repelling bees in front of pets?
While you may be concerned about the use of some ingredients in commercial products, essential oils are much safer for your pets because they are natural. You can buy a diffuser to help with using the essential oil.
2) Do the essential oils need to be diluted or can they just be used as is?
While you may want to dilute these with carrier oil, it's not necessary. However, when you apply undiluted essential oil directly on your skin, it will sting if it's not diluted in any way! That said, applying undiluted essential oils directly on the skin should only be done under certain circumstances because a few drops can get absorbed into your bloodstream and make you feel lightheaded.
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