Chest Congestion SOS: Best Essential Oils To Clear The Clog


Chest congestion can result in an uneasy feeling of pressure in your chest, throat, or both. It's the feeling of air not circulating through your body and it can be one of the worst things to feel during winter. Thankfully, there are so many essential oils that help this infection and you can prevent it from happening in the first place. The most common cause of chest congestion is bacteria that invade the lungs. Cold weather, wet clothes, wet coughs, and dry air can all cause it. One of the best ways to prevent this problem from occurring in the first place is to maintain a healthy lifestyle by avoiding fast food, not smoking, or using other harmful substances that make you cough.

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A healthy lifestyle can also prevent bugs from invading your lungs during wintertime. One of the best oils to use is tea tree oil. It's a natural anti-microbial oil that also helps eliminate bacteria in your system. This oil is also a good choice if you are suffering from asthma or bronchitis complaints, as it helps clear your airways and makes breathing easier. Another great option is eucalyptus oil, which has a similar scent to peppermint or menthol but less intense. Eucalyptus is great at relieving nasal issues, especially sinus infections and colds.

Best essential oils for chest congestion

1) Tea tree essential oil

Tea Tree Essential Oil is one of the best essential oils for chest congestion, as it inhibits bacterial growth. This is especially useful if you are prone to this infection and want to prevent it from getting worse. You should dilute 2-3 drops in carrier oil first and apply it to your chest. 

2) Eucalyptus essential oil

If you have issues with sinus infections, colds, or even asthma, eucalyptus is an excellent choice for aromatherapy. It helps clear your airways and can even help relieve headaches and fever by clearing off mucus from your sinuses. You can also use this oil to make a hot compress that will help clear out mucus from your chest. You should add 3-5 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil to hot water, place a towel over your face, and inhale for 15-20 minutes, as this helps clear mucus from your chest.

3) Grapefruit essential oil

This is an excellent choice to use during the cold season, as Grapefruit Essential Oil helps cleanse out respiratory infections and nourishes your lungs. You can add 1 drop in a carrier oil or a diffuser and inhale the aroma for 10-15 minutes to benefit from its healing properties.

4) Thyme essential oil

Thyme has antibacterial properties that help reduce the risk of developing respiratory issues. Thyme Essential Oil also helps eliminate the mucus in your chest and helps you breathe easier. 

5) Clove essential oil

This essential oil is used to relieve pain because of its analgesic properties, so it's a good choice if you have chest congestion issues. Clove Essential Oil is also an antiseptic oil that can help clear out infections and relieve inflammation in your respiratory system.

6) Lavender essential oil

Lavender Essential Oil is an excellent choice if you are suffering from anxiety, depression, or insomnia during the cold season. Its relaxing aroma works as a natural sedative and can help you sleep better at night even during wintertime when there are fewer hours of daylight available.

7) Peppermint essential oil

Peppermint Essential Oil is a good choice if you want to clear your head and cool off your fever during the cold season. It's a natural stimulant that can also help clear your sinuses and throat and make breathing easier. You can use it by itself or in a diffuser.

8) Frankincense essential oil

The antiseptic properties of frankincense help heal respiratory issues. This is especially true if you are suffering from asthma or bronchitis, as Frankincense Essential Oil helps clear mucus from your lungs and makes you breathe easier by opening up airways. 

9) Eucalyptus essential oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil is a great addition to an aromatherapy diffuser, as it can help relieve nasal issues. You can also use it to make a hot compress that will help you breathe easier and clear your sinuses and chest. 

10) Geranium essential oil

Geranium Essential Oil is an aromatic fragrance that can ease anxiety and depression, making it an excellent choice for anxiety or depression during the cold season. It's also an antiseptic oil that can help relieve and prevent infections.  

How to use essential oils for chest congestion?


Step 1: When you want to use essential oils for chest congestion, place 2-3 drops of the oil in a small glass bottle or bottle with a dropper and take a few inhalations. Drop some drops into a diffuser and turn it on. Repeat this process if the smell is not enough or again for several more inhalations. You can also place an oil burner in your home, turn it on, and place the bottle of essential oil on top of it. The heat will help loosen mucus from your chest and throat.

Step 2: Place an oil burner near your bed and start inhaling the aroma of essential oils for chest congestion a few times before going to bed at night. You can also put these oils in a hot bath with one cup of steam and 8 ounces of water. This will help you breathe easier and also loosen the mucus from your throat, chest, or stomach.

Step 3: Add 5-10 drops of essential oil into a glass of boiling water and inhale this vapor for 10-15 minutes whenever you feel chest congestion coming on. You should do this up to 3 times a day if you want to gain maximum benefits from taking these essential oils for chest congestion.

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Step 4: To make a hot compress with an essential oil, heat some water in a microwave or on your stovetop, then add 10 drops of the essential oil to it.


1) What are the side effects of essential oils for chest congestion?

There shouldn't be any serious side effects when you use these essential oils for chest congestion, but here are some common side effects that you might experience:

  • Allergic skin reactions like rashes, bumps, or itchiness on the skin.
  • Nose and throat irritation.
  • Dizziness and headache. If you experience any severe or unusual symptoms, stop using the oil immediately and talk to your doctor.

2) Are essential oils for chest congestion safe to use during the cold season?

Most of the essential oils for chest congestion are safe to use during the cold season. Bear in mind, however, that not all of them have antimicrobial properties that help prevent infection or inhibit bacterial growth, so make sure you consult your doctor before taking any essential oil for chest congestion if you suffer from a chronic or long-term condition like asthma, bronchitis, or sinus infections.

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