Unveiling Benefits: Lavender Oil In The Belly Button

Unveiling Benefits: Lavender Oil In The Belly Button

We have all been there at a time in our lives when our parents and grandparents used to massage our bodies with potent carrier oils mixed with essential oils. It is truly amazing to know how body oils can create such a huge impact on our bodies. They bring in a lot of therapeutic benefits along with major health advantages. One which is very popular is navel therapy also recognized as navel oiling. Ayurveda reveals some astonishing benefits of navel oiling specifically using essential oils. Many people use Lavender Oil on the belly button for its astounding benefits. The belly button is also known as the navel which is a tiny spot in the centre of your abdomen. While the area might look very small and insignificant, it is very important for your entire health.

Putting Lavender oil in the belly button might look unusual to many people but once you explore the benefits, there is no going back. But before considering all the benefits of Lavender oil on a belly button, let us check what our ancestors have to say about oiling the belly button.

Navel Oiling, Belly Button Oiling

During our birth, the umbilical cord was once connected to our mother's womb and therefore it holds a high level of importance for everyone. To be precise, the belly button is the only spot where the cord was once attached during our birth, so it majorly serves as a lifeline or should we say it is the beginning of our life and the eternal association with our mothers. On another note, the belly button also provides you with a high level of oxygen and nourishment to your body. 

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Ancient culture or history talks about the practice of putting Lavender oil on the belly button. Various traditions and cultures have popularized the practice of applying oil to the belly button as it holds great importance. Many people also believe that navel oiling therapy benefits your overall health and well-being. The ancient practice captures the usage of natural oils and essential oils such as Lavender oil in the belly button. It helps to moisturize your skin internally and provides much-needed nourishment to your body. Additionally, putting Lavender oil in the belly button helps to build a divine connection to some organs of your body along with the energy points.

Oiling the belly button is very common for infants. Grandmas and Nani enjoy massaging their little ones and at the end of the massage, they usually pour a few drops of oil into the belly button. Do you know why they do so? Well, massaging the belly button with oil helps to promote better digestion in kids. Not only kids but adults also benefit a lot from putting Lavender oil on the belly button. It helps to promote relaxation in your body and also brings in multiple health benefits. And at last oiling the belly button also amps up your self-care routine and makes it more enjoyable.

Lavender Oil In Belly Button Benefits

Now that you know the key points about belly button oiling, let us have a look at the benefits of using Lavender oil on the belly button:

1. Helps To Boost Immunity

One of the major benefits of using Lavender oil on the belly button is its ability to boost your immune system. Yes, you heard it right. Putting Lavender oil in the belly button helps to improve blood circulation in the area which in turn boosts the immune system. Our grandparents used to massage Lavender oil combined with coconut oil around the area of the belly button. Since, the belly button is home to vital arteries and veins, massaging that area brings in several benefits. It is majorly very effective for immunity boosting.

2. Reduces Abdominal Pain

There is a time when kids and even adults suffer from extreme abdominal pain around their belly button. There might be various factors that may trigger the pain and discomfort associated with it. The major one includes poor digestion, constipation, and menstrual cramps. The navel resides in the center of the body and massaging that area with Lavender oil helps to boost the circulation in the body. Not only this but an intense blood flow in that area promotes the pain-relieving process. It also induces healing and keeps discomfort at bay.

3. Tackles Menstrual Cramps

Women go through a lot in their lives, especially during that period of the month. The pain and the problems linked with periods are unbearable. One such discomfort that a woman faces during her menstrual cycle is period cramps. Period cramps usually range from intense pain in the abdomen to backache, uterus ache, and excess bleeding. Thankfully, navel oil therapy is the only factor to get rid of menstrual cramps. Putting Lavender oil in the belly button helps to relieve menstrual cramps because the belly button is directly linked to the uterus with the umbilical cord. Relieving menstrual cramps and reducing pain are some of the major Lavender oil on the belly button benefits. You can simply combine castor oil or sesame oil with a few drops of lavender Essential oil to massage around the belly button. This method reduces misery and pain and also manages your blood flow.

4. Improves Skin Texture

Did you know that putting lavender oil on your belly button can also help to enhance your overall skin texture and complexion? Well, this might sound very weird and unusual but the oil works like a charm for this purpose. The belly button in your body is directly associated with essential blood vessels and putting oil and the belly button helps to promote blood circulation in your body specifically the skin. This further helps to nourish your skin internally by providing essential nutrients and vitamins. Regular usage of Lavender oil on the belly button also helps to restrict the appearance of several skin disorders including Eczema, psoriasis, acne, pimples, and pigmentation.

5. Reduces Anxiety And Depression


Let's keep everything aside and focus on our mental health. Many times people are stressed out because of their personal life issues or poor work-life balance. This usually leads to a stressful situation and slips into depression in no time. Luckily, Lavender oil on the belly button is the best solution for this problem. It is believed that the vagus nerve is directly connected to the belly button which helps to balance the parasympathetic nervous system in your body. This nervous system helps to maintain calmness and relaxation in your mind. Applying soothing essential oils like chamomile oil and Lavender oil to the belly button can help to tackle the feeling of anxiety and stress. It also brings you in a no-tension state and promotes calmness and solace.

6. Reduces Joint Pain

A majority of people never knew that there are so many benefits of applying Lavender oil to the belly button. Well, this is true. Putting Lavender oil in a belly button also helps to relieve joint pain. Although one should not rely on this remedy entirely for their extreme pain issues, it acts as a temporary quick action. Massaging the area around your belly button with Lavender oil or peppermint oil helps to promote blood circulation which further reduces inflammation and joint pain.

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Several essential oils are great for belly buttons. The navel oil therapy or naval oiling is truly the easiest and simplest way to bring amazing benefits. However, you have to be very careful while applying essential oils to the belly button. Lavender oil is very strong and if you are allergic to the same, you should dilute it before you usage. Also, do not forget to buy pure and 100% steam-distilled lavender Essential oil from Moksha Lifestyle Products.

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