Cinnamon Essential Oil Uses: More Than Just A Spice


Cinnamon has been revered for its medicinal properties for centuries. It helps relieve pain, relieves nausea, reduces inflammation, and even prevents vomiting. In this article, we will take a look at how to use cinnamon essential oil topically on your skin and via aromatherapy to liven up your mood and your life. Cinnamon essential oil is a great oil to have around the house because it has so many uses for both internal and external purposes. For example, it is excellent for the digestive system and helps with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, and gas. It can also be used to prevent fevers in children. Topically it can be used for muscular aches and pains as well as headaches and migraines. It is also a great antidepressant that helps to relieve stress-related mood swings! So without further ado let's take a look at how to use cinnamon essential oil both topically on your skin and internally through aromatherapy. Used in skincare and aromatherapy, cinnamon essential oil has an exotic fragrance that is fresh and spicy.

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According to the Encyclopedia of Essential Oils, cinnamon essential oil can be used anywhere from 5% - 50% pure on your skin with no adverse side effects. It should never be applied neat to the skin or right out of the bottle since it is such a strong oil. Dilute it with a carrier oil such as jojoba or even coconut oil before applying it directly to your skin. A common use for cinnamon essential oil is in homemade creams and lotions for dry skin. The smell is so invigorating that you will want to use it on your body as a perfume.

10 Amazing Cinnamon Essential Oil Uses:

1) Aromatherapy

A great way to release tension and anxiety is by smelling the essential oil of cinnamon. Cinnamon also has some calming effects on the brain and has been used as a natural sleep aid.

We can also use cinnamon essential oil in our aromatherapy diffusers. It is often recommended that you use a 5% - 10% ratio, however, it is not just certain spices that can be used in high concentrations to enhance your mood or relax you. Many essential oils such as lavender, frankincense, chamomile, Roman chamomile, and jasmine should be diluted before being applied topically and inhaled via aromatherapy diffusers.

2) Bath

In a small bowl mix about 5 - 10 drops of cinnamon essential oil with 1/2 cup coconut milk. Coconut milk has many soothing benefits; it is antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral and helps your body heal from any ailments. You can add lavender or frankincense essential oil too. Apply some of the mixture to a cotton ball and put it in your bath water for a relaxing bath that will soothe you from head to toe.

3) Hair Care

Cinnamon essential oil is an excellent carrier oil for other oils such as jojoba and almond oils since the skin on our scalp is very thin and easily irritated by strong carriers. Cinnamon also has anti-fungal properties that can help to soothe dry, damaged hair. You can apply about 5 drops of this oil on your scalp after you shampoo and style your hair.

4) For Pets

Cinnamon oil can also be used on your pets! Using them in the same way as you would on yourself, apply a few drops of cinnamon oil to your pet's food or directly onto their skin. It is a great way to help relieve pain and inflammation by applying it topically to the skin. Also if your pet has fleas, simply place a little bit into their bath water and let them soak in it for 15 minutes or so.

5) For Houseplants

Simply mix about 10 drops of cinnamon essential oil with 1 tablespoon of water and spray the top of houseplants that are either infected by fungus or bugs such as aphids. You can also use a high concentration (50%) oil directly on plants to repel insects. This is especially useful for outdoor plants since insects are one of the main reasons why your houseplants will die.

6) In Your Nose

You can also use a few drops of cinnamon oil in the nose at night to help relieve congestion and stimulate the senses. It is a great natural alternative to using products such as Vicks Vapour Rub (which contains a lot of chemicals).

7) Oil Pulling

Using cinnamon essential oil during oil pulling has many benefits; it helps kill bacteria in your mouth, cleans out toxins, reduces gum inflammation, and gives you fresh breath! Just swish around a few drops in oil for 5 - 15 minutes before spitting it out.

8) For Exhaustion


If you are feeling sluggish and tired, rub a few drops of cinnamon essential oil on the top of your feet. You can either apply them directly to your feet or use a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oils first. This will help to invigorate your body and give you more energy throughout the day while soothing aches and pains at the same time. You can also use this method for dealing with restless leg syndrome (RLS).

9) For Anemia

Cinnamon essential oil is great for those who suffer from anemia. It is known to be rich in iron so you can apply it directly to your skin or drink it in a little coconut oil to absorb better. It is also very useful for those who have low iron levels which can cause feelings of weakness, fatigue, and overall poor health.

10) For Menstrual Cramps

A few drops of cinnamon essential oil applied to the lower abdomen can help to relieve menstrual cramps. Just rub a few drops over the area or place a little bit of coconut oil on the area and then apply the essential oil over it. This is also great for breastfeeding mothers since it increases milk production while soothing sore nipples.

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1) Can I use cinnamon essential oil on the face?

Absolutely! Cinnamon essential oil is great when used on the skin. It can be mixed with a carrier oil such as jojoba or almond and used as a moisturizer or makeup remover. You can also use it directly on the skin in a high concentration to help freshen you up.

2) Does cinnamon essential oil help with acne?

Cinnamon has been known to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the skin which can leave blemishes behind. It is also very effective at removing blackheads, whiteheads, and dead skin cells that build up by sticking to our pores (including other products).

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