Healing Power: Best Essential Oils for Mastitis Treatment

Mastitis is triggered by inadequate milk drainage, the latter of which ends up in breast tissue swelling. Because breastmilk includes germs (the healthy form - we'll talk about that eventually! ), the mother's breast might get contaminated if the milk hasn't been thoroughly emptied between a period of 12-24 hours. Mastitis effects involve discomfort, inflammation, and stiffness. Infective mastitis is additionally characterized by a high body temperature a hard red region, signs resembling the flu, and armpit soreness.
The swelling and a clogged tract are two more disorders that are frequently mistaken for mastitis. Engorgement is different from mastitis due to the fact it generally impacts the two breasts as opposed to one in particular and is not accompanied by high temperatures, shivers, or pain in the body. A clogged funnel is typically identified by a sensitive bulge on a particular side, although it can also be caused by engorgement.
Are you wondering how to get rid of this problem mastitis? Do not worry as we have combined a list of essential oils for mastitis treatment that works well to fight infection in your body and keep it safe from germs and microbes.
Top 5 Essential Oils For Mastitis
The best essential oils to use for mastitis are packed with wonderful healing qualities that help to treat this condition well and keep bacterial infection at bay. From the given list of the best essential oils, you can choose any one as per your preference to get the most out of it for mastitis treatment.
Lavender Essential Oil
The holy grail Essential oil for almost everyone out there is lavender Essential oil it is one of the best essential oils and a powerful one to cure mastitis. Studies have revealed that lavender Essential oil has relaxation qualities that help to reduce stress from your mind and keeps anxiety at bay. Not only this you can simply dilute lavender Essential oil for its calming effects on your body. On another note, it is also identified that lavender Essential oil for mastitis is a great remedy because it is packed with anti-inflammatory, soothing, and calming properties. Yes, you heard it right. All these properties are very helpful to reduce swelling and inflammation associated with the disease. However, as always we recommend you do a patch test and consult your doctor before using essential oils for mastitis.
Peppermint Essential oil
Peppermint Essential oil is one of the most effective essential oils that helps to reduce the symptoms of mastitis. Peppermint oil is very cooling in nature because of the ingredient known as menthol that is present in it. This essential oil also helps to provide instant relief from swelling, inflammation, and redness. If you are suffering from tender breasts and clogged milk ducts because of the problem of mastitis then you can use peppermint Essential oil. Peppermint oil is loaded with anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, and analgesic properties that help to tackle the pain that comes with engorged breasts.
The antimicrobial properties of peppermint Essential oil help to kick off any infection that is associated with the problem of mastitis. To use peppermint Essential oil for mastitis treatment, you can simply dilute the essential oil with the carrier of your choice and massage it over the affected area. However, make sure to be very diligent while using peppermint Essential oil for mastitis treatment.
Oregano Essential oil - Best Essential Oils For Mastitis Treatment
Are you wondering if you can use oregano Essential oil for mastitis treatment or not? Well, we are here to tell you that oregano Essential oil for mastitis is effective to combat this disease because of its potent antifungal, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties. Oregano Essential oil is jam-packed with active elements that help to kick off the infection in your body and tackles inflammation and redness associated with this disease. Oregano Essential oil is a very strong oil and therefore we always recommend you do a patch test and consult your gynecologist before using essential oils while breastfeeding.
Tea Tree Essential oil

When nothing comes in close to you you can use tea tree essential oil for mastitis treatment. Tea tree Essential oil is widely recognized for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-microbial properties. It is used by many people for their skin, hair, and health concerns and women can use it for mastitis treatment. But makes sure to consult your doctor before getting into essential oils while breastfeeding. It is very potent and helps to combat infection, redness, swelling, and inflammation associated with this disease. To use tea tree oil for mastitis treatment, you can simply dilute it with the carrier oil and massage it over your chest to get instant effects. But make sure that you do not ingest it as it might cause more harm than good for your health.
Evening Primrose Oil For Mastitis Treatment
Several essential oils and best known to be effective for mastitis treatment but did you know that Primrose Essential oil is one of them which works well to cure mastitis? Evening primrose oil is loaded with potent and essential fatty acids along with nutrients and minerals which are very effective to use for mastitis treatment. It is also loaded with Gamma linoleic acid which is an effective fatty acid that helps to reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain associated with this condition. If you are keen to use evening primrose oil for your body make sure to dilute it because it is very important and has vital anti-inflammatory properties. Also, do not forget to consult your doctor or gynecologist before using evening primrose oil for master treatment while breastfeeding.
How to use essential oils for mastitis treatment?
Mothers can use essential oils for mastitis treatment in several ways. But, do you know that using essential oils while breastfeeding can be a little dangerous? Yes, it is. Therefore we ask you to consult your doctor before using essential oils for mastitis treatment.
You can simply dilute the best essential oils for mastitis treatment with a carrier oil and massage it over tender breasts.
Alternatively, you can use essential oils in a diffuser to get relaxation and solace from the pain and discomfort associated with mastitis.
We have finally approached the end of the series of the best essential oils for mastitis treatment. Voila! The best essential oils are worth trying at least once to get results and after that, we promise you will be hooked to it. Essential oils are natural substances that are truly a charm for various conditions. You can now buy high-quality essential oils from mokshalifestyle.com.
- Can I use essential oils for mastitis while breastfeeding?
As per experts, we do not recommend using essential oils especially if you have an infant and you are at the initial stage of breastfeeding. However, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor for more details.
- Where can I find the best essential oils for mastitis treatment?
You are at the right spot. Moksha Lifestyle is all set to deliver 100% pure and high-quality essential oils and carrier oils for mastitis treatment right to your doorstep. you can check shop.mokshalifestyle.com for more details.
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