Natural Care: Essential Oils For Combatting Oral Thrush Naturally
Are you experiencing a strange or weird experience with your taste buds? Several oral concerns might affect your oral health in a very bad manner. One such condition is oral thrush. Today our priority is to tackle the concerns related to oral search along with some natural remedies that help to cure it effectively. Not only this but we will also look at the benefits of essential oils for oral thrush that might help you in the long run to deal with other oral concerns.
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There are times when you might experience a problem majorly in the outer area of your tongue. This is majorly referred to as oral thrush. Uneven test lips cracking now and then and severe white scars on your tongue are usually considered the symptoms of oral thrush. But one should not panic after knowing about this condition. Once you know oral thrush is capturing your mouth you can simply combine natural home remedies under the supervision of a dentist and use it adequately for maximum benefits.
What is oral thrush?
As per studies, thrush is majorly known as an infection in your mouth which is triggered by the fungus called candida. You might have heard of essential oils for Canada infection earlier before. Well once the infection goes into the mouth it leads to this common strain which is oral thrush. In other words, this severe infection is also known as thrush, Oropharyngeal Candidiasis, and Oral Candidiasis. It might be shocking to know that candida infection also leads to severe vaginal infection and even penile infection in some cases. Since the mouth is one of the ways through which the infections might enter your body, the candida fungus usually initiates oral thrush which further goes into the digestive tract and even the vagina.
Causes of Oral Thrush
Now you might be wondering what the major causes of oral thrush are. So here are all of them.
Excess intake of antibiotics
If you are known to antibiotics you might know that they are good for your health but antibiotics usually destroy the germs in the mouth and do not kill the candida fungus. Antibiotics are linked to destroying the severe bacteria in your body but some bacteria are important to stay as they fight against oral thrush. Therefore excess usage of antibiotics might lead to oral thrush.
Lack of nutritious diet
Are you leading a nutritious and protein-rich diet? If not then it's high time you keep a check on your diet because lack of nutritious diet also leads to oral thrush in the long run. Your high on carbohydrates or sugary food items the candida infection might burst and lead to oral thrush.
Excess intake of sugar
Sugar food items including sweets and high carb-based food can also trigger oral thrush.
Poor oral health
Maintaining oral hygiene plays of very important role in the prevention of this condition. Some reasons might lead to oral thrush including not brushing the teeth properly and regularly flowers issues and mismanagement of oral microbiome.
Dryness in mouth
Dry mouth is one of the major reasons that can trigger the Candida infection that might result in oral thrush. It can happen due to various reasons that include excessive intake of tablets medicines breathing from mouth or any other medical condition that leads to lack of saliva.
Poor immune system
If you are immune system is highly compromised it is important to keep a check on the same poor immune system might provok conditions like chronic illness frequent colds cough and fever which can further lead to infections in the body primarily oral thrush.
Smoking as you all know is injurious to health. Once you start smoking it usually destroys the beneficial bacteria in your mouth and allows the bad want to survive and persist for a longer period this can trigger the Candida overgrowth and may need oral thrush.
Best Essential Oils for Oral Thrush
We have majorly considered all the causes of oral thrush it is now time to discover natural remedies that include essential oils. So let's get started.
(Disclaimer - Do not ingest essential oils until advised by a Certified Doctor)
1. Clove Essential oil
If you are a crazy fan of home remedies you might know that clove Essential oil is one of the most effective essential oils for oral concerns. If you are suffering from oral thrush it is important to include Clove Essential oil in your routine. Clove oil has natural pain relieving properties along with major antifungal qualities that majorly deter fungal growth in the mouth. Additionally, the Essential oil is responsible for tooth pain gum diseases, and other oral health disorders. Studies have claimed that clove Essential oil trees oral thrush effectively and even prevent the chances of emergence.
You can simply combine a drop of clove oil with an edible carrier oil and applied on the affected area. As you know clove oil is very strong it might trigger a tingling sensation in the mouth.
2. Lemongrass Essential oil
Did you know that lemongrass Essential oil is another great addition to your oral Health Care routine for healthy teeth and gums? Yes, you heard it right. Essential oil is majorly packed with natural antifungal and anti-microbial properties that tackle the fungal overgrowth infections and bacterial infections in the mouth. As per studies it also restricts the growth of Candida infection which in turn reduces the chances of oral thrush. You can simply dilute the Essential oil in water and range your mouth for 5 seconds or as recommended by the dentist.
3. Tea tree Essential oil
Tea tree Essential oil in botanical terms is known as Melaleuca Oil. Pad with major and inflammatory anti microbial and antiseptic properties the Essential oil proved to be a fighter against Candida infection in the mouth. Along with this studies have demonstrated that the Essential oil is loaded with terpenes-4-ol which is a strong compound that battles against oral thrush. This is the reason why tea tree Essential oil is also added to the formulations of mouthwash. It offers a refreshing and cooling sensation to the teeth and also maintains oral hygiene.
4. Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint Essential oil is an ideal choice if you want a cooling sensation to the mouth which also battles with various infections. Packed with potent anti-microbial and antifungal properties the essential oil fights against Candida Albicans and other major causes of oral thrush. Usage of the Essential oil is pretty straightforward and effortless. Simply dilute it with water or even coconut oil and try the oil-pulling method to maintain good oral hygiene.
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We are finally wrapping up the series of best essential oils for oral thrush. Maintaining good oral hygiene is very important, especially considering the current scenario. So make sure to opt for quality-oriented essential oils available only at Moksha Lifestyle Products.
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