Soothing Solutions: Essential Oils For Perioral Dermatitis Relief


Perioral dermatitis is a common skin condition that affects people of all ages. It can be caused by various factors, including hormonal imbalances, stress, and allergies. Symptoms include redness, bumps, and dryness around the mouth, nose, and eyes. While there is no known cure for perioral dermatitis, there are several natural remedies that can help alleviate symptoms, including the use of essential oils. Understanding the causes and symptoms of this condition is essential in managing and finding relief from its symptoms. Perioral dermatitis is characterized by redness, small bumps, and sometimes pus-filled lesions around the mouth, nose, and eyes. It can be itchy and uncomfortable, leading to feelings of self-consciousness and distress.

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Several factors can contribute to the development of perioral dermatitis, including the use of topical steroids, harsh skincare products, hormonal imbalances, and even stress. Identifying and eliminating potential triggers is crucial in managing and preventing flare-ups of this condition. Essential Oils also provide hydration and nourishment to the skin, helping to improve its overall health and resilience. Their antioxidant properties can help protect the skin from environmental stressors and promote healing of the affected areas. Moreover, essential oils can have a calming and soothing effect on the skin, reducing redness, itching, and discomfort associated with perioral dermatitis. Their aromatic properties can also promote relaxation and stress relief, which can be beneficial for overall skin health.

Best essential oils for perioral dermatitis

1. Chamomile essential oil

Chamomile essential oil is a powerhouse when it comes to soothing perioral dermatitis due to its remarkable anti-inflammatory properties and skin healing abilities. This gentle and calming essential oil has been used for centuries in natural skincare remedies. Chamomile essential oil helps to reduce redness, irritation, and inflammation associated with perioral dermatitis, making it an excellent choice for relieving discomfort and promoting skin recovery. Its soothing properties can help alleviate itching and burning sensations, providing much-needed relief to irritated skin. Additionally, chamomile essential oil is rich in antioxidants that help protect the skin from environmental stressors and promote overall skin health. Its gentle nature makes it suitable for sensitive skin, making it a popular choice for those dealing with skin conditions like perioral dermatitis.

2. Rosehip essential oil

Rosehip essential oil is a versatile and potent essential oil that offers excellent benefits for soothing perioral dermatitis. Known for its exceptional moisturizing properties, rosehip essential oil helps hydrate the skin without clogging pores, making it an ideal choice for those dealing with this skin condition. Apart from its moisturizing abilities, rosehip essential oil is also renowned for promoting skin regeneration and repair. Rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins A and C, this oil aids in improving skin texture, reducing inflammation, and accelerating the healing process of damaged skin. When applied topically, rosehip essential oil penetrates deep into the skin, nourishing it from within and supporting the skin's natural healing mechanisms. Its rejuvenating properties help restore the skin's barrier function, making it more resilient to external irritants and triggers that can exacerbate perioral dermatitis.

3. Peppermint essential oil

Peppermint essential oil is a versatile essential oil known for its cooling properties and soothing effects. When it comes to perioral dermatitis, peppermint essential oil can provide relief from itching and discomfort. Its menthol content creates a refreshing sensation on the skin, helping to alleviate the irritation associated with this skin condition. Applying diluted peppermint essential oil topically to the affected area can help calm inflammation and reduce the urge to scratch, which can further irritate the skin. The cooling effect of peppermint essential oil can also help numb the area, providing temporary relief from discomfort. It's important to note that peppermint essential oil is potent and should always be diluted with a carrier oil before applying it to the skin.

4. Eucalyptus essential oil


Eucalyptus essential oil is a powerhouse when it comes to alleviating skin conditions like perioral dermatitis. Known for its potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, eucalyptus essential oil can work wonders in calming irritated skin and reducing redness and inflammation associated with perioral dermatitis. The antimicrobial properties of eucalyptus essential oil help combat the growth of bacteria that may exacerbate the condition, while its anti-inflammatory effects can soothe the skin and promote healing. When applied topically, diluted eucalyptus essential oil can help relieve itching and discomfort, making it a valuable addition to your skincare routine for managing perioral dermatitis.

5. Frankincense essential oil

Frankincense essential oil has long been revered for its healing properties, making it a valuable addition to any skincare routine, especially for those dealing with perioral dermatitis. Known for its ability to regenerate skin cells and promote healing, frankincense essential oil can help soothe the inflammation and irritation associated with this skin condition. When applied topically, frankincense essential oil works to calm redness and reduce the appearance of blemishes, while also aiding in the healing of damaged skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help alleviate the discomfort and itching that often accompany perioral dermatitis, providing a natural and gentle relief option. To incorporate frankincense essential oil into your skincare regimen, simply dilute a few drops in a carrier oil, such as jojoba or coconut oil, and apply it directly to the affected area. Alternatively, add a few drops to your favorite moisturizer or serum for added skin-healing benefits.

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1) Why has using essential oils for a soothing experience become popular?

Many people have been consuming essential oils for their health benefits and beauty treatments in recent years due to their effectiveness and affordability compared to other more expensive alternatives. Essential oils are much healthier and better absorbed by the body than other beauty products and chemicals. Today, many wellness practitioners use essential oils for this reason and more people are gravitating toward natural remedies as well.

2) Can these essential oils for comfort be used on children and pets? 

Most of these essential oils are fairly safe to use on children and pets as they have a lower toxicity level compared to some other oils. However, always check with an aromatherapist or other health care professional before using it on your kids or pets.

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