Sweet Citrus Bliss: The Spiritual Benefits Of Orange Essential Oil

For a few centuries, orange essential oil has been renowned for its wonderful health benefits. It is recognized as an excellent companion for respiratory and skin ailments, as well as infections like colds or flu. Other than the health benefits of orange essential oil, it is also known for its greatly calming aroma that can help you focus on deep relaxation. However, the most important spiritual benefit of this powerful healing plant comes from its ability to uplift your personal energy levels and bring out all the good things in your life. It can also help boost your self-confidence and create a feeling of well-being. This is accomplished by the citrus essential oil's capacity to increase your energy levels and make you feel cheerful, elevating your mood, and promoting feelings of happiness.

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Orange essential oil, or orange peel extract, is a warm-toned essential oil that contains an invigorating citrus aroma. It is extracted from the peel of oranges by cold pressing. The aroma of this oil is uplifting and lively, making it a powerful natural remedy for depression and low energy levels. This type of essential oil has sweet undertones that naturally energize your moods, lifting you out of negative thoughts or feelings and bringing positive vibes into your life. In addition to that, orange essential oil promotes the circulation of positive energy around you and can help eliminate negative emotions like anger or envy.

Orange Essential Oil Spiritual Benefits:

1) Orange Essential Oil For Happiness

Because it can lift your spirits and make you feel happier about yourself in general, orange essential oil is a great way to keep depression at bay. It can also help you feel more optimistic about the future and therefore encourage you to take better care of yourself.

2) Orange Essential Oil For Self-Confidence

If you're lacking self-confidence, using orange essential oil to scent your environment can help make you feel more confident in all sorts of situations, be it work or school, or social gatherings. It enhances your moods, making you feel better about yourself and therefore carrying yourself with more poise.

3) Orange Essential Oil For Heart Health

The aroma of orange essential oil is a natural stress reliever and energizer that can revitalize your body and mind for a healthier heart. Orange peel oil is absorbed easily by the bloodstream and makes your blood vessels relax, allowing oxygen to be more freely circulated throughout your body. This boost of energy helps the cardiovascular system deliver adequate amounts of oxygen-rich blood to all parts of your body, which in turn improves overall health.

4) Orange Essential Oil For Overall Balance

Orange essential oil balances emotions, bringing peace and tranquillity into the lives of those who inhale it. It lowers negative feelings like anger, sadness, or frustration and elevates positive feelings like joy, gratitude, or love. In a spiritual sense, it helps you connect to your spirit guides, angels, or loved ones who have passed over.

5) Orange Essential Oil For Spiritual Cleansing

This oil is also utilized in spiritual practices and ceremonies to purify the body and its energy centers (chakras), as well as homes and sacred spaces from negative energy. It can be used to cleanse a physical space of negative energies by burning it in the air or diffusing it into the air. It can also balance out negative energies within your own body by inhaling its scent or placing some orange essential oil on your chest.

6) Orange Essential Oil For Cleansing Your Auric Field

Orange essential oil's pleasant citrus aroma can positively affect your aura. It is used in Reiki healing to strengthen and purify the energy field of people, places, or things that have been negatively affected by negative energy. This effect becomes even more pronounced when the orange essential oil is used together with the other 8 Reiki healing oils.

7) Orange Essential Oil For Manifestation

This essential oil can help you manifest things in your life by enhancing positive vibes and eliminating negative ones. Holding a piece of orange in your hand while meditating can help you feel more balanced emotionally, as well as spiritually while bringing out all the good things in your life and making you feel warm-hearted towards others.

8) Orange Essential Oil For Clearing Energetic Clutter

Orange essential oil cleanses the aura by removing negative energy, emotions, and thoughts from the body and surrounding environments. It can also help create a space where new beginnings can be made or old creative ideas or intentions can be renewed.

9) Orange Essential Oil For Emotional Detachment

If you feel emotionally detached from people or things in your life, diffusing orange essential oil throughout your environment can help create an atmosphere that is more conducive to emotional growth. This can help you detach yourself from undesirable circumstances and allow you to feel closer to others as well as more balanced towards others.

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DIY Oil Mix For Spiritual Benefits Of Orange Essential Oil

Recipe 1: Oil Mix For Cleansing Your Aura 



  • Mix all the ingredients in a dark-colored bottle. 
  • Apply 2 to 3 drops of the mixture on your head, neck, and chest before going to bed at night.
  • 10 days later: If you feel like doing another round, use 5 drops of orange essential oil instead for a stronger effect.

Recipe 2: Oil Mix For Spiritual Enlightenment



  • Mix all the ingredients in a dark-colored bottle.
  • Apply 2 to 3 drops after showering or bathing.
  • 10 days later: If you feel like doing another round, use 10 drops of orange essential oil instead for a stronger effect.

Recipe 3: Oil Mix For Emotional Balance


  • 10 drops of orange essential oil
  • 20 ml (2 tablespoons) of tea tree oil


  • Mix all the ingredients in a dark-colored bottle.
  • Apply 2 to 3 drops of the mixture on your forehead, chest, and back before going to bed at night.
  • 10 days later: If you feel like doing another round, use 10 drops of orange essential oil instead for a stronger effect.


1. What are the precautionary measures to be taken while using orange essential oil?

Orange essential oil is not to be used by pregnant women and people with bleeding problems. If you feel any adverse effects, immediately stop using the essential oil and consult your doctor.

2. Can orange essential oil cause depression?

No, it will not cause depression in those who are already suffering from it. However, it may elevate the level of depression in people who have none or are at a low level of depression. Also, if you're using orange essential oil to heal yourself from depression regularly, it may cause mild psychological manifestations such as elevated mood or euphoria that might look like heightened or exaggerated depressive states.

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