Sweet Dreams: Best Essential Oils For Baby's Restful Sleep


Essential oils have been a savior for adults and now for children as well. Yes, you heard it right essential oils are one of the best ways to take care of minor problems at your home including your baby's sleep. If you have an infant, toddler, or a kid that doesn't sleep at night and does not take 16 hours of sleep a day then you need these essential oils in your life. The secret to uninterrupted sleep for your babies is none other than the best essential oils. There are several essential oils to help babies sleep peacefully without any disturbance or irritation. These essential oils are 100% natural and guarantee promising results if you use them for a long time. It is very important to make sure that your baby is not allergic to the fragrance of any of the essential oils otherwise it might hamper their sleeping pattern.

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Essential oils to help babies sleep is one of the natural ways to get your baby a good sleep of 10 to 12 hours without any disturbance. The aromatherapy grade essential oils are therapeutic and natural and help to calm your mind with their soothing fragrance. The essential oils also help your baby to feel at peace because the fragrance is very rich and easy on their nerves.

Reasons Why Your Baby Does Not Get Enough Sleep

Have you ever thought about why your baby isn't sleeping in an interrupted manner for good 6-7 hours? Especially during night, many people expect the way to have good deep sleep but almost 90% of the parents fail to achieve this pattern. Do you know why this happens? Well, there are so many reasons why a baby might be experiencing a lack of sleep or maybe some issue in their body that might interrupt their sleep. Let's have a look at some of the reasons why your baby does not get enough sleep:

  • Congestion In Babies

Congestion is one of the major reasons why your baby does not sleep at night peacefully. If your baby is releasing phlegm or feeling irritated throughout the night then there are chances that congestion might be leading to lack of sleep.

  • Teething In Babies

Once your baby crosses the benchmark of an infant they tend to develop teeth after a few months. Eating is one of the major reasons why your boy baby is not getting enough sleep. Sometimes it is very painful and may lead to irritated behavior and no sleep during the entire night. In such cases, essential oils come in very handy as they promote a serene atmosphere and sleep in the baby.

  • Baby Diaper Rash

We can't stress enough the point that diaper rashes may lead to a lack of sleep in your baby. Nowadays mothers tend to wrap their babies in diapers during the entire night but the consequence is the opposite which causes severe rashes on their genitals. This may lead to less or no sleep at all in your babies.

  • Bug Bites In Babies

Your little kiddos are prone to bug bites many times. While you may not have noticed but the mosquitoes can also lead to inflammation and irritation in their body which leads to no sleep at all. Using the best essential oils for bug bites in babies can help to promote uninterrupted sleep and relaxation.

Best Essential Oils To Help Baby Sleep


So now that you have a clear and proper guide as to why your baby isn't getting enough sleep let's check out the solutions to help your baby sleep peacefully. The best essential oils to help babies sleep are very effective in their qualities and promote peaceful sleep throughout the night and sometimes even during the day time.

1. Lavender Essential Oil

One of the well-known essential oils for peaceful sleep Lavender oil is not only a head for adults but also promotes sleep in babies. If you are looking for essential oils to help your baby sleep through the night try lavender essential oil. Lavender oil has a calming, relaxing, and floral fragrance that is ideal to use during the naptime of your baby. It possesses a very strong fragrance which can be overpowering at times but using it in proper quantity always works. If you do not overuse lavender oil for baby sleep then there is no chance that it might hamper you or your baby in any way. If you are interested to use lavender essential oil for calm and restful sleep of your baby then simply diffuse it during naptime. Alternatively, you can also apply a few drops of Lavender oil on your baby's feet to promote good sleep. However, it is very important to dilute essential oils before using them on your baby.

2. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Is your baby feeling congested or irritated all the time due to a cold cough or an extremely congested nose? Well, we have a natural cure for all these. Eucalyptus oil for baby sleep and congestion helps to unwind the respiratory tract of your baby and encourages clear breathing in the days ahead. Using essential oils for baby sleep is very easy you can simply diffuse them during their sleeping period to promote restful sleep. Eucalyptus essential oil is loaded with some mind-blowing qualities that help your baby sleep peacefully without any interruption.

3. Orange Essential Oil

While talking about essential oils to help babies sleep at night how can we miss on citrus essential oils? Citrus essential oils like orange oil have a fruity and tangy fragrance which can be very beneficial for your baby as it instantly gets on their mind. Fret not because citrus essential oils are not going to harm your baby's sleep at any cost. Instead, Orange Essential oil is one of the most effective essential oils to help babies sleep at night. The usage is pretty simple. You can add a few drops of orange oil to water and transfer it to a spray bottle. Now simply spray it all around your room for a pungent and fresh fragrance that helps your baby sleep tightly.

4. Cedarwood Essential Oil

Apart from floral fragrances babies also relish the earthy fragrance that makes them feel grounded and connected to mother earth. Cedarwood Essential oil is one of the ancient remedies that help to promote peaceful sleep in babies. It has a very nice warm comforting and woodsy Aroma that is relaxing on your nerves and keeps your atmosphere tranquil. If you are thinking how to use essential oils to help a baby sleep then you can diffuse 4 to 5 drops of cedarwood Essential oil during your baby's nap time. Alternatively, you can also rub a few drops of Essential oil on their chest after diluting to promote serene sleep.


Using essential oils to help baby sleep is no less than a miraculous remedy. You just have to be careful while using essential oils for babies. Take care of the purity of essential oils and how you use them. Diluting essential oils before use is very important. At the same place, it is very important to use high-quality essential oils. Try Moksha Lifestyle's high-grade and 100% pure essential oils.

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1. Is it safe to use essential oils for baby sleep?

Using essential oils for baby sleep at night comes with no harm. But, you have to be very careful while using essential oils for babies. Ensure that your little one is not allergic to fragrances and is easygoing.

2. Do essential oils for baby help with congestion?

Yes, it does. Some essential oils are great for congestion. The best essential oils for congestion in babies are true to their claims and work well.

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