Shea Butter: A Natural Remedy For Eczema


Eczema is a common skin disorder caused by an overactive immune system. In response to an allergen, the body produces histamine, which causes severe itching and inflammation. Shea Butter has been shown to reduce inflammation in eczema patients by lowering the bacteria count on the skin and helping to improve symptoms such as redness, dryness, itching, and scaling of the skin. The main components of shea butter are the fatty acids, which keep it moist and pliant. Over time, the skin becomes less acidic, and the shea butter's fatty acids are converted into keratin, which not only makes skin healthy but also makes it hard and waterproof.

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If used in baths or skin creams, shea butter prevents water loss from the skin. It moisturizes dry skin while preventing the formation of hard dry flakes on your lips (chapped lips). The process of peeling off dead skin cells is thus reduced. Shea butter can be used as a natural wax for the hair by rubbing onto a towel slowly and quickly unneeded residues back on top of the head. Eczema sufferers can use products infused with shea butter such as soaps, lotions, or creams to help relieve their symptoms.

Benefits of using shea butter for eczema:

1) Discoloration on skin

When used on the skin, Shea butter can prevent discoloration on the skin. Symptoms such as redness, swelling, and irritation associated with eczema are widely reduced when shea butter is applied.

2) Itching

Eczema is characterized by itching, and shea butter has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce the itching associated with eczema. By reducing inflammation in the skin, itching is alleviated resulting in eczema sufferers having a better quality of life.

3) Hydration

This means that shea butter assists with the hydration of the skin. The fatty acids in shea butter enable it to penetrate the skin tremendously improving its elasticity and hydration qualities. 

4) Moisturising

When shea butter is used in skin creams, it moisturizes the skin. Shea butter also has anti-fungal properties which assist with the protection of the skin against fungal infections, such as nail fungus. Shea butter is a natural ingredient that can be included in a DIY product without any problems.

5) Nourishment

Shea butter is a natural moisturizer that also improves the appearance of the skin. It makes the skin soft and smooth and prevents damage to the nails from fungus or friction. The use of Shea Butter can also help to regulate sebum production in affected areas.

6) Lip Care

Shea butter is used to care for dry and chapped lips and can even aid in healing lip injuries such as cuts or minor burns. Using Shea Butter on your lips will give them a natural shine whilst restoring their original condition and protecting the skin from further damage.

7) Hair Care

Shea butter can be used as a moisturizer to improve the appearance of hair when applied before washing it. It helps restore the parting or breakage of strands as well as re-growth of split ends. As well as aging, split ends can also be caused by chlorine bleach, so use shea butter on dry hair before you wash it to help protect against future damage.

8) For controlling the spread of eczema

Shea butter is an anti-inflammatory substance, meaning it can be used to reduce the inflammation of affected parts, thus reducing the spread of eczema.

9) Use in skin care products

Shea butter is a very versatile product when it comes to its uses and benefits. The fatty acids and nutrients that are present in shea butter make it a brilliant moisturizer. When applied to the skin, shea butter penetrates deeply into its layers delivering an impressive amount of nutrition that helps to nourish and restore the elasticity of the skin. It can even be used on just-washed hair for those with dandruff or dry scalp problems.

10) For eczema on kids

Shea butter can be used to help relieve kids with eczema. Traditional creams and lotions are usually too harsh for the delicate skin of babies and children, but Shea butter is comfortable and safe for use on all skin types including sensitive ones. Shea butter has a light texture, making it ideal for anyone looking to moisturize their skin. It can be used daily as part of your beauty routine to give your face, lips, or body a healthy glow while preventing dryness in cold weather or from dry air conditioning.

How to use shea butter cream for eczema?


Step 1: Mix 1- 2 teaspoons of shea butter with 100 ml of warm water and apply on your skin. If your skin is very damaged, use more water. If the skin is dry, put in less water. Shea butter will be absorbed into the skin leaving it moist and soft. Shea butter can also be used as a hand cream to moisturise and treat dry cracked hands that are eczema.

Step 2: Take a small amount of shea butter and mix it with honey or cocoa powder. Apply it all over your face and neck then use a rag (old towel) to rub your face gently to remove dead skin cells from the surface for smoother visage. Do not rub your skin with the towel too hard as it can be painful. Do not apply honey on eczema or broken skin as it is very strong and could lead to an infection. If your baby breaks out in a rash, try using shea butter lotion or cream on them.

Step 3: Shea Butter can be used on broken skin or chapped lips as it will moisturize dry cracked skin and lips like no other moisturizer soothe swollen and inflamed skin lips.

Step 4: To get better results from applying shea butter, use gloves with a plastic-sticky base when you rub the cream into your hand. After rubbing the cream into your hands, wash it off with soap and water.

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Step 5: Apply shea butter oil on the scalp to take care of dandruff, hair loss, dry scalp, and itchy scalp. Rub the oil gently on your scalp with your fingers in a circular motion and let it stay for 3 hours before you have a shower. This will soften your hair and reduce dandruff.

Step 6: Mix 2 tablespoons of shea butter, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, and 1 tablespoon of avocado butter to create an amazing body moisturizer that will hydrate your skin for up to 24 hours.


1) How to make shea butter lotion?

You can do this at home easily, all you need is a stove, some utensils, and ingredients. Here is the list of ingredients and items needed:
1 Shea Butter
• 1 cup of shea butter • 1.5 cups of water • 1/4 cup of aloe Vera (optional) • 5 ml Vitamin E oil • 10 ml Grape seed oil • 15 ml Liquid Glycerin • 30 drops of Lavender essential oil (optional).

2) What are the benefits of using Shea cream for eczema?

Shea butter has great moisturizing qualities that help maintain natural moisture levels without clogging pores or increasing sebum production. Shea butter contains a high level of antioxidants and essential fatty acids which repair damaged skin cells.

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