Essential oils for Bath I Relax your Mind and Body With Essential oils

When life gets a bit too much, there are so many ways that we can still recover and relax. A warm bath after a tiring day or before bed can have the effect of lulling your mind into a peaceful state. Not only does it make you feel amazing, but hot baths could even aid in the treatment of various illnesses like tired muscles and cold to blood pressure, hormones, and the immune system. However, did you know that using essential oils in your bath may magnify these benefits and improve your health even further? As a natural gift, essential oils may treble the advantages of a hot bath.

For you to feel at ease at home, we've compiled a list of the best essential oils for relaxing baths that will not only help you relax your mind but also help you minimise your body's ailments. Adding essential oils to bath is one of the easiest ways of using them. Warm water enables these natural extracts to be absorbed by our skin while their aroma is inhaled at the same time. Melt that stress with the list of top bath time essential oils mentioned below.


Benefits of Essential Oils in Bath

Essential oils are aromatic liquids extracted from plants. These natural plant oils have the capability to heal various individuals’ ailments. From improving mood, and sleeplessness, to using it for acne-prone skin, these natural oils have been effectively used for thousands of years. To help calm your mind and body, combine these essential oils with a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba. Essential oils have therapeutic capabilities, and when combined with the bathwater, they aid in a variety of ways, including activating calming nerve cells, moisturizing and soothing dry, irritated skin, making optimal blood pressure and many more. So, giving your body and mind a gift by treating your skin and spirit might be a fantastic idea. Bathing with the best bath time essential oils for optimum relaxation can refresh and soothe your body. 

  essential oil for relaxing bath

Best Essential oils for Relaxing bath

Essential oils are all different and made from various plants/flowers/etc, they each contain unique healing properties. Oftentimes, they are blended to provide one with the best of several benefits. For example, lavender oil is known to provide both relaxation and pain relief; that's why it's often found in a blend of bath salts. There are many essential oils available in the market today so you'll always be able to find one to increase your health in some aspect, whether you're suffering from anxiety or trying to get better sleep at night. These bath time essential oils might help with all of this and more.

Let's look at the best bath oils to relax, soothe and energise your mind and soul.

Lavender is one of the most versatile and common essential oils for people who have trouble sleeping. It helps relax your nerves and calms mind. As per studies many people reported that they had better sleep after having access to lavender essential oil. It also helps take away stresses of the day and helps unwind after a rough, tiring day. The gentle scent promotes a relaxed atmosphere and is a perfect oil to use for night time baths before bed. 


The flowery, sweet, and jasmine-like scent of Ylang-Ylang Oil is both romantic and calming. It is an ideal oil to take bath in after a long tiring day as it uplifts mood. Ylang ylang is an aphrodisiac and therefore creates a perfect romantic aura while taking bath with your partner. In addition to promoting relaxation, it also aids in memory and blood pressure. It guarantees that the skin is properly hydrated and nourished by rich fatty acids. This oil is also said to calm the senses by emitting a nice odour that people love being around. Experience the wholesome effect of this one of the best essential oils for relaxing baths.


Myrrh oil is composed of several different skin-protecting antioxidants. It may help the health of your nails and provide a pleasant sensation along with a youthful appearance. Myrrh may help improve skin elasticity, hydrate dry skin, and support healthy cell activity. In addition to its cosmetic advantages, myrrh may offer positive health benefits to people who suffer from varicose veins due to an increase in blood circulation.


When it comes to hormone balance, marjoram oil is an excellent ally. Its anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and calming properties are among its most well-known properties. This aroma is great for an evening bath since it produces a relaxing ambience. Marjoram oil can also aid in the relief of fatigued muscles, hormonal breakouts on the skin, and stomach pains. You may also relax by adding a few drops to your bath.


Rose essential oil has been demonstrated to alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression. White roses are associated with romance, their scented oil is widely used in aromatherapy as an aphrodisiac. It has a fragrance that creates a peaceful, loving and nurturing environment while promoting healthy-looking skin. It is best suited for all skin types especially sensitive skin since it's a natural moisturizer that restores the pH balance of your skin. One of the best Essential oils in bath for anxietyand stress relief.


Geranium oil alleviates tension, depression, exhaustion and fatigue by promoting feelings of contentment and balance. It also delivers much-needed nutrients to the skin, thus encouraging healthy cell regeneration for a fresh, youthful appearance. When applied topically, it has been shown to be excellent at removing dead skin cells while simultaneously working to tighten and tone the complexion. The warm aroma of geranium is said to soothe dry skin and help unwind during nighttime routines as one prepares for a restful night's sleep. It has also been suggested that geranium oil may help reduce the symptoms of ageing due to its antioxidising effects on the body. Making it one of the best essential oils for relaxing baths and healthy skin.


Chamomile is well known for its soothing, anti-inflammatory and calming powers used at nighttime to destress. Chamomile has calming and soothing effects, making it ideal for use in a warm bath. Its deeply relaxing scent is also good for people with sensitive skin. The smell of chamomile oil reduces stress and helps to promote youthful, glowing skin. It is another oil that provides both physical and mental relief because of its ability to promote clarity and help free the mind of stressful thoughts.


Among these best essential oils for relaxing baths, plenty there are other essential oils which have been used for relaxing baths in aromatherapy for ages. You can also try Sandalwood, Clary sageLemon, and many more. These plant extracts may be blended and tweaked to make bath oil that suits your requirements. Once you start using essential oils in your life, you'll rever want to stop!


 essential oils for bath

Relaxing DIY recipes using Essential oils for Relaxing Bath

In this section, we have some interesting DIY recipes prepared using the best essential oils for relaxing baths. Using these natural oils will help you relax and even help you with various ailments naturally. It's time to clean up your bathroom and feel the freshness with the best bathtime essential oils.

Recipe 1: Relaxation bath oil

The calming scents of essential oils will help you get a spa-like experience in your bathroom which can be the ultimate self-care ritual for your overall wellness. As this recipe will help you relax your nerve cells bringing more positivity within.


  • 10 drops of Lavender essential oil
  • 8 drops of Chamomile essential oil
  • 6 drops of Sandalwood essential oil


  • Fill the tub with warm water to the temperature you want.
  • Combine all essential oils with 1 tbsp carrier oil (like almond or avocado oil).
  • Mix the essential oils well in the bath water by wiggling them around.
  • Enter the tub with caution because it is slippery.
  • Enjoy the peaceful and relaxing benefits of essential oils while you soak in the tub.


Recipe 2: Skin Nourishing Bath Oil

This recipe is a delight for both the mind and the body after a long day. Because it stimulates nerve cells, they become calmer and more relaxed. It also aids in the treatment of skin-related disorders such as acne, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles, resulting in naturally healthy and beautiful skin. So, disperse this DIY recipe over your bathroom and see how the aromatic scents make you feel more pleased and cheerful.



  • Combine all essential oils in a glass bottle, icing them with carrier oils like jojoba, almond etc. Disperse it in your bathtub or to the wall or on the outer edge of your shower. The hot water will diffuse the scent. Enjoy the relaxing effects of essential oils on your body and mind.


Things to keep in mind before using Essential oils in the bath

  1. To minimize unwanted reactions, essential oils should always be diluted with carrier oils such as coconut or jojoba when used in the bath.
  2. Always do a patch test before using essential oils for a relaxing bath. To check if it induces an allergic reaction, apply it to the back of your elbow and wait 24 hours.
  3. Use essential oils that have been certified by the USDA. It's a sign of purity and quality.
  4. Before using essential oils for skincare or any other difficulties, see an aromatherapist or a doctor if you are pregnant or nursing.
  5. Essential oils should never be consumed because they are meant for external use only.
  6. Depending on the expiration dates of the substances used, these bath oils can last up to a year or two in a dark coloured glass bottle.




A hot bath is usually a welcome self-care regimen to relax and unwind after a long day. But did you know it also happens to provide a number of health benefits? These days, many people are turning to aromatherapy or adding bath time essential oils to their bath water for respiratory support and to help them manage an active lifestyle. The addition of these best essential oils for relaxing baths not only creates an appealing ambience, but they bring additional benefits too. Aromatherapy is all about bringing out the best in the human spirit through the use of plant extracts that can be used therapeutically to improve physical health as well as general wellbeing. After a relaxing bath, clean your bathtub later with cleaners like baking soda, or soap to avoid slipping. We wish you a happy and relaxing bathing experience.



Is it Safe to Use Essential Oils in Children's Baths?

Yes, simply adjust the number of essential oils for the child's age and get advice from your physician or health care practitioner. Because natural oils are concentrated liquids, it is vital to see a physician before using them, as they may induce allergies.

Which brand should I choose to get the best quality essential oils?

For purchasing the best quality essential oils online in India, we suggest you go for Moksha Lifestyle. They are a renowned and trustworthy manufacturer and supplier of essential oils not only in India but throughout the world. They have a vast selection of the finest quality essential oils which can be used for many different applications and can be shipped anywhere in the world. They also have an affordable range available so they are accessible to all. Click here to discover the best essential oils available in the market.


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